Explain direct democracy and why it worked in Ancient Athens.

Some sites would be helpful. Please 🙏and thank you!
Thank you!

Answers for connex's:

Which of the following statements best explains why direct democracy worked in ancient Athens?

The city-state's population of citizens was small.

Which group of ancient Greek women had greater freedom?

Spartan women

Which ruler was most responsible for uniting Greece and building an empire?

Alexander the Great

The Parthenon is considered the finest example of ancient Greek architecture because of its

balance and harmony of parts.

Why were products, ideas, and technologies exchanged in Alexandria

It was the center of trade for Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Which is evidence that Sparta had elements of democracy?

Ephors could take kings out of power.

Which is the most important lesson that can be learned from the Persian Wars?

That a unified Greece could beat a larger army.

Which of the following was the primary reason the Olympic Games were held?

The Olympic Games were held to honor the God Zeus.

Why do we still use fables from ancient Greece today?

to teach moral lessons

Which of the following describes life in Sparta for children?

Young boys were taught to obey orders.

How did geography affect the development of independent city-states? Select the two correct answers.

The mountains isolated the city-states.

The sea separated the city-states.

How was Athenian direct democracy different than American representative democracy? Select the two correct answers.

Athenian direct democracy allowed all free male citizens to make policy and American representative does not.

American representative democracy allows citizens to elect leaders to shape laws and Athenian direct democracy did not.

Which was the most important effect of the Peloponnesian War?

Other nations saw Greece's lack of unification as weak.

Which of the following were characteristics of Athenian democracy? Select the three correct answers.

The government consisted of an assembly, a council, and courts.

Only free adult males made up the assembly.

Women, slaves, and foreigners were not allowed to participate.

Why did the ancient Greeks use conquest, colonization, and trade?

to get the resources they needed to survive

What goods did Athens trade to other city-states and regions?

olive oil

Why did Hippocrates develop the Hippocratic oath?

to encourage doctors to use ethical practices

Which illustrates an important difference in the values of Sparta and Athens?

Sparta was conservative about change and the sharing of ideas while Athens accepted change and new opinions.

This will give you a 69% because the written answers are worth 4 points.

Hope this helps!



Thank you Ms. Sue, I will read, read, and, read. Maybe, I will post my answer on here or repost it with my answer.

You're welcome. Thanks for the helpful posts that you make.

I will post my answers in a few moments.

Plz hurry I NEED a good grade on this I get a puppy if I do!!!

Ok... I will check your answers I guess...


They are correct TRUST ME

Direct democracy is a system of government in which decisions are made by the people directly and not through elected representatives. In Ancient Athens, direct democracy was implemented, allowing all citizens to participate in the decision-making process.

To understand why direct democracy worked in Ancient Athens, we can analyze its key components and advantages. Here are a few reasons:

1. Size of the population: Athens had a relatively small population compared to modern nations. This made direct participation feasible because it was possible for all citizens to gather and actively engage in public discussions.

2. Sense of community: Athenian society had a strong sense of community and shared values. Citizens felt a collective responsibility towards the welfare of the state, which contributed to their active participation in decision-making.

3. Accessibility: The political system in Athens encouraged participation through accessibility. Citizens were allowed to speak freely in the assembly, propose laws, and vote on important matters. This level of accessibility empowered individuals to actively shape policies and laws.

4. Education and public debate: Athenians valued education and intellectual discourse. They regularly engaged in public debates, allowing for the exchange of ideas and perspectives. This fostered an environment of critical thinking and helped in making informed decisions for the benefit of the community.

5. Citizen involvement: Active participation in direct democracy was seen as a duty of every citizen. Individuals were expected to inform themselves about political affairs, attend assemblies, and voice their opinions. This high level of involvement ensured that decisions were made with collective input and consensus.

If you'd like to further explore this topic, here are some recommended sites:

1. Ancient History Encyclopedia - Direct Democracy in Ancient Greece:
- Link: https://www.ancient.eu/article/1034/direct-democracy-in-ancient-greece/
- This article provides an overview of direct democracy in Ancient Greece, focusing on its implementation in Athens.

2. BBC History - Ancient Greeks: Athenian Democracy:
- Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zr44jxs/revision/1
- This resource provides a concise explanation of Athenian democracy in Ancient Greece, including key features and examples.

3. Khan Academy - Athenian Democracy:
- Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/ancient-medieval/athens/a/athenian-democracy
- This page offers a video lesson on Athenian democracy, providing a clear explanation of its workings and significance.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.