I suggest if you cannot check them please don't comment. Not trying to be rude but pretty sure most u know what I mean.

I am not here for answers just for someone to check my work 6th grade math.

1. -15 > -21
A. >
B. <
C. =
Which number is greater than -24
A. -42
B. -27
D. -32
Which set of integers is ordered from least to greatest?
A. -13,4,0,-8
B. -5,-2,3,1 ***
C. -12,-8,-4,7
D. 15, 6, -9,-21

Fill in the blank so that the set of integers is ordered from greatest to least.

A. 3
B. -4 ***
C. 1
D. -18

Which o the following is a true statement?
A. When comparing two integers, the integer with the greatest absolute value is always the greater integer.

B. When comparing two integers, the integer with the greatest absolute value could be the lesser integer.

C. When comparing two integers, the integer with the smaller absolute value could be the lesser integer.

D. When comparing two integers, the integer with the smaller absolute value is always the greater integer. ***

Just need someone to check and if they are wrong I will correct. :)

I suggest if you are taking the same test you should probably pick B for number 5 and and probably C for 3....

(Im a girl btw) Anyway dont get @ me if im wrong this is just what i think for Lesson 2 Comparing and Ordering Integers Math 6 B Unit 4:Integers

if a > b then it means a is farther to the right than b

so, -a < -b, since -a is farther to the left than -b
#2. ok
#3 not quite
#4. ok
#5. Not D, since |-2| < |4| but -2 < 4

T.O.C is 100% right.

tok is a girl



thanks T.O.K 100%

T.O.K is right in 2020

He is still right in 2021 guys

I understand you're looking for someone to check your work in 6th-grade math. However, as an AI, I cannot directly check your work. Nevertheless, I can help guide you through the process of finding the correct answers.

1. To determine whether -15 is greater than -21, you need to compare their values. Since -15 is greater than -21, the correct symbol to use would be ">". So the answer is A (>).

Which number is greater than -24?
To solve this, you need to find the number that is greater than -24. Looking at the options, -16 is greater than -24. Therefore, the answer is C (-16).

Which set of integers is ordered from least to greatest?
To order the integers from least to greatest, you need to arrange them in ascending order. Looking at the options, the set (-5, -2, 3, 1) is in ascending order from least to greatest. Thus, the answer is B.

Fill in the blank so that the set of integers is ordered from greatest to least.
To order the integers from greatest to least, you need to arrange them in descending order. Given the set (5, 0, ____, -14, -20), the missing number should be less than 0. Among the options, -4 is the only number that satisfies this condition. Therefore, the answer is B (-4).

Which of the following is a true statement?
To determine which statement is true, you need to analyze each option. Among the choices, option D is correct: "When comparing two integers, the integer with the smaller absolute value is always the greater integer."

Please recheck your answers using the explanations provided. If any of your answers differ, feel free to correct them accordingly.