Use a proportion to find the number of meters in 7 feet. around to the nearest tenth.


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Meters are not provided

1/3.28084 = 7/x

To find the number of meters in 7 feet using a proportion, we need to establish a ratio between feet and meters.

According to the conversion factor, 1 meter is approximately equal to 3.28 feet. So, we can set up and solve the following proportion:

1 meter / 3.28 feet = x meters / 7 feet

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and divide:

3.28 feet * x meters = 1 meter * 7 feet
3.28x = 7

To isolate x, we divide both sides by 3.28:

x = 7 / 3.28
x ≈ 2.134

Therefore, there are approximately 2.1 meters in 7 feet when rounded to the nearest tenth.