Write a report on the movie “Sound of Music” and carry out

the following task in the report:
a) Identify two parenting styles as depicted by the two major
roles in the monumental work of art
b) Point out the scenes that touch “emotional adjustment to
the child and child attachment” as factors to be considered
in responsible parenthood

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to summarize the movie

It's been a long time since I saw that movie. Have you seen it?

To write a report on the movie "Sound of Music" and analyze parenting styles, as well as scenes related to emotional adjustment and child attachment, follow these steps:

1. Watch the movie: Start by watching the movie "Sound of Music" to familiarize yourself with the storyline and major characters.

2. Identify the major roles: In the movie, two major characters who can be analyzed for different parenting styles are Captain von Trapp and Maria.

3. Research parenting styles: Familiarize yourself with different parenting styles, such as authoritative, permissive, and authoritarian. This will help you understand the characteristics and behaviors associated with each style.

4. Analyze Captain von Trapp's parenting style: Pay close attention to Captain von Trapp's interactions with his children throughout the movie. Look for aspects like discipline methods, communication style, and the level of involvement in their lives. Decide which parenting style best describes his approach.

5. Analyze Maria's parenting style: Similarly, observe Maria's interactions with the children and her overall approach to parenting. Look for elements like nurturing, encouragement, and support. Determine which parenting style best aligns with her character.

6. Gather evidence: Identify specific scenes in the movie that depict "emotional adjustment to the child and child attachment." These scenes should highlight the characters' behaviors and actions that contribute to a child's emotional well-being and attachment security.

7. Analyze the scenes: In your report, describe the identified scenes and explain how they display characteristics of responsible parenthood. Discuss the actions, behaviors, and interactions of the characters that promote emotional adjustment and child attachment.

8. Support your analysis: Use specific dialogue, character expressions, or actions from the scenes you identified to support your analysis. For instance, if there is a scene where Maria consoles a distressed child, cite the dialogue and explain how it demonstrates emotional support and attachment.

9. Provide a comprehensive report: Write your report by organizing it into sections, such as an introduction, background information on the movie, analysis of the parenting styles, and a discussion of scenes related to emotional adjustment and child attachment. Use clear, concise language and support your points with evidence.

10. Conclusion: Conclude your report by summarizing the parenting styles portrayed in the movie, emphasizing the importance of emotional adjustment and child attachment as factors in responsible parenthood.

Remember to properly cite any quotes, references, or scenes from the movie in order to maintain academic integrity.