The following graph models the height of a model rocket in feet measured over time in seconds.

a graph of a downward opening parabola. The x axis is labeled Time in seconds. The Y axis is labeled Height in feet. Points on the graph include starting point (negative 0.04, 0) (2.5, 103), and the ending point(5.04, 0).

How many seconds does it take for the rocket to reach the ground?

Enter your answer as a number, like this: 42.
Do not round your answer if it is a decimal.

I got the answer 2.54 from subtracting 2.5 from 5.04 because the seconds it takes to reach the ground cannot be negative which is why I didn't subtract 2.5 from 5.04 which equaled: -2.54. Unless it wants us to do addition which the answer would be 7.54 seconds.


no. You start measuring at time t=0

It took 5.04 seconds for the height to reach zero.

Wouldn't it take 5.08 seconds because it started at -0.004 seconds?

nothing happens before t=0

You launch the rocket, and 5.04 seconds later it lands.
It was launched from some initial nonzero height.
If it had been launched from the ground, it would have had to have happened 0.04 seconds earlier.

But it didn't.

so whats the answer

thanks for the answer :D

To determine the number of seconds it takes for the rocket to reach the ground, you need to find the point on the graph where the height is equal to zero (0 feet). In this case, the ending point of the graph is (5.04, 0), indicating that the height is zero at 5.04 seconds.

So, the correct answer is 5.04 seconds.

It appears there was a mistake in your calculation. To calculate the time it takes for the rocket to reach the ground, you need to subtract the initial time from the final time, which gives you 5.04 - (-0.04) = 5.08 seconds. However, since the question asks for the answer without rounding, the correct answer is 5.04 seconds.