Can someone check my answer?

Russia lost power in the 1900s due to...

A: Unrest among the poor
B: Catherine l's cruelty
C: The rise of Romanov's***
D: Religious Conflict

The answers are:

1. Unrest among the population
2.D.Traders shared ideas as they traveled
3.the falling price of oil
4.D.The State Controlled All Economic decisions
5.D.They are both mainly Christian
6.C authoritarian
7.Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
8.Aral Sea

Lesson 1: Russia Emerges
Social Studies 6 B Unit 3: Northern Eurasia (Northern Eurasia Pretest)

the poor grew

It talks about many things at once so it's hard to exactly say which answer is correct. I think it's correct but I'll look harder Thanks!

Justarubbeduck it correct!

Thank you Justarubberduck those are correct!!

umm the test is the one i need help on and yall are absolutely no help ;(


im lost whatttttttttt

mrs. sue if the is not the answer then is unrest among the poor***

I disagree. What does your reading assignment say?