Which figures will always be similar to each other?

1. Two rectangles
2. Two hexagons
3. Two trapezoids
4. Two equalitarel triangles***

I think its D

HALP, you would be correct.

You are correct. Two equilateral triangles will always be similar to each other. However, to explain why, let's first understand what it means for two figures to be similar.

Two figures are considered similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and their corresponding sides are proportional. In the case of equilateral triangles, all angles are congruent (each angle measures 60°), and all sides are also congruent. Therefore, two equilateral triangles will always be similar to each other.

To determine the similarity of other figures, you can follow these steps:
1. Compare the corresponding angles of the two figures. If all corresponding angles are congruent, it is a good indication of similarity.
2. Compare the corresponding sides of the two figures. If the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal, it further supports the similarity.
3. If both the angle congruence and side proportionality are satisfied, the figures are similar.

In the given options, rectangles, hexagons, and trapezoids do not necessarily have all angles congruent or all sides proportional, so they may or may not be similar. However, equilateral triangles always satisfy the conditions for similarity, making option 4 correct.