The following facts are true about Resource A:

It grows in nature and takes about five years to reach a mature size. (that's a tree)
It can be replanted after it is cut down.

Resource A is most likely a(n)
A Inexhaustible resource
B Nonrenewable resource
C Recycled material
D Renewable resource
I think the answer is A or D.
I need help ASAP, thanks to whoever could help!

D is the answer

To determine the answer, let's break down the given facts:

1. Resource A grows in nature and takes about five years to reach a mature size. This indicates that it can be naturally replenished or regenerated.

2. It can be replanted after it is cut down. This suggests that it is possible to sustainably manage and harvest Resource A without permanently depleting its stock.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that Resource A is a renewable resource (option D). Renewable resources are those that can be naturally replenished or regenerated over a relatively short period of time. In this case, the fact that Resource A grows in nature and can be replanted after being cut down implies that it has the ability to renew itself.