What is the difference in simplest form?


A. (1-n)/(n+3)
B. 1/(n+3)
C. (n+1)/(n+3)
D. (n-1)/(n+3)

(n^2+3n+2)/(n^2+5n+6) - 2n/(n+3)

= (n+2)(n+1)/( (n+3)(n+2)) - 2n/(n+3)
= (n+1)/(n+3) - 2n/(n+3) , now you have a common denominator
= (n+1 - 2n)/(n+3)
= (1 - n)/(n+3) , n ≠ -3,-2

@Spring Allergies, statements such as "I'm not very good at math, but I feels as though C would be your best bet" serve absolutely no purpose and do not help at all.
If you don't know what you are doing, please don't answer any student's questions.
Math is not a subject where you "feel" for correct answers.


Lmao he went off

broski said that back in 2019

2022 and springallergies still never recovered


2023 and he still aint recover

well damn

To find the difference in simplest form, we need to simplify the given expression. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Factorize the denominators.
The first denominator, n^2+5n+6, can be factored as (n+2)(n+3).
The second denominator, n+3, cannot be factored further.

Step 2: Create a common denominator.
To combine the two fractions, we need a common denominator. Here, the common denominator should be (n+2)(n+3).

Step 3: Rewrite the expression with the common denominator.
The given expression can be rewritten as:
[(n^2+3n+2)*(n+2)]/[(n+2)(n+3)] - [2n*(n+2)]/[(n+2)(n+3)]

Step 4: Simplify by canceling out common factors.
In both terms of the expression, the (n+2) term in the numerator and denominator can be canceled out.

The expression becomes:
(n^2+3n+2)/(n+3) - 2n/(n+3)

Step 5: Combine the fractions.
Now that both fractions have a common denominator, we can subtract them directly:
[(n^2+3n+2) - 2n] / (n+3)

Simplifying further, we have:
(n^2 + n + 2) / (n+3)

Step 6: Factorize the numerator.
The numerator, n^2 + n + 2, cannot be factored.

Therefore, the simplified expression is:
(n^2 + n + 2) / (n+3)

Now we can compare the simplified expression with the given options to find the correct difference in simplest form.

I'm not very good at math, but I feels as though C would be your best bet. Don't choose this answer if you don'y feel comfortable with it. I don't want to give anybody wrong answers to where they fail. Good Luck! :)