Find the missing length. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.


A. 441

B. 22.5

C. 64***

D. 19.4


Hey oobleck.... and what do you mean? those are the side lengths up top and its a right triangle what more do you need?

what is all the answers

@Smart person ;) you did come across rude and none of you are helpful but the thing you are is rude

shut its because of teachers like you that force us to cheat cause because you never teach anything to us in the first place


if 2 and 8 are sides of a right triangle then

hypotenuse = sqrt (2^2 + 8^2) = sqrt (68) = sqrt (4*17) = 2 sqrt 17

I also agree you should focus more on live lessons

But then why are we on here?

ahhhh that makes more sense to me

Thank you!!