One day at 3:00 a.m., the temperature was -13 F in Kodiak, Alaska. At 10:00 a.m., the temperature was 22 F. What was the average change in temperature per hour?

I am supposed to wright it out.
Thanks to whoever could help.

I’m a bit confused


Change = (22-(-13))/(10-3) = 35/7 = 5oF.

the heck

1 2/7 degrees farenheit

I know what you mean Rora..., I know what you mean 🗿

One day at 3:00 a.m., the temperature was

in Kodiak, Alaska. At 10:00 a.m., the temperature was 22°F. What was the average change in temperature per hour?

To find the average change in temperature per hour, we need to find out how much the temperature changed in a period of 7 hours (from 3:00 am to 10:00 am).

Change in temperature = Final temperature - Initial temperature
Change in temperature = 22°F - (-13°F)
Change in temperature = 35°F

Average change in temperature per hour = Change in temperature / Number of hours
Average change in temperature per hour = 35°F / 7 hours
Average change in temperature per hour = 5°F per hour

Therefore, the average change in temperature per hour was 5°F.

there you got it

I'm glad I could help! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

1. A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?

2. A deep-sea diver must descend and ascend in short steps to equalize pressure on his body. If the diver rises toward the surface too fast, he may suffer from a physical condition called “the bends.” Suppose the diver started 82 feet below the surface and rose in five steps of 15 feet each. Use an integer to describe his new position in relation to the water surface.

3. An elevator on the 10th floor goes down 9 floors. Then it goes up 19 floors, down 3, and finally down 12. What floor does it end up on? Write an equation to show how you found your answer.

4. The temperature in your town is 31°F. The radio announcer says that the temperature will drop by 15 degrees. What will the temperature be? Write an equation to show how you found your answer.

1. Difference in elevation = height of Mt. Everest - depth of Dead Sea

Difference in elevation = 29,035 ft - (-1,349 ft)
Difference in elevation = 29,035 ft + 1,349 ft
Difference in elevation = 30,384 ft

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 30,384 ft.

2. The initial position of the diver is 82 feet below the surface, and he rises in five steps of 15 feet each, so his new position in relation to the water surface is:

82 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 = -53 feet

Therefore, the diver is now 53 feet above the water's surface.

3. Let x be the floor the elevator ends up on. Then we can write the equation:

x = 10 - 9 + 19 - 3 - 12

Simplifying the right-hand side using the order of operations, we get:

x = 5

Therefore, the elevator ends up on the 5th floor.

4. Let T be the new temperature after the drop of 15 degrees. Then we can write the equation:

T = 31°F - 15°F

Simplifying the right-hand side, we get:

T = 16°F

Therefore, the temperature will be 16°F.

2. 7

In the problem, the diver started 82 feet below the surface and rose in five steps of 15 feet each. So, the total rise in feet would be:

Total rise = 5 × 15 = 75 feet

To find the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface, we need to subtract the total rise from the initial position, which was 82 feet below the surface. So, we can write:

New position = Initial position - Total rise
New position = -82 feet - 75 feet
New position = -157 feet

Therefore, the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface is 157 feet below the surface.

no thats not what I meant by 2. 7

I apologize for the confusion. Could you please clarify what you mean by "2. 7"?

2. 7 is the answer because 15 each is 15 repeated 5 times so 15*5=75; 82-75=7ft.

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for the confusion earlier. Yes, you are correct that the new position of the diver in relation to the water surface would be 7 feet using the method you described. Thank you for pointing that out!

You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

7 hours

35 degrees

Take it from there.