What was the main idea behind the Daoist religion?

Everyone's life was guided by moral behavior.

To live peacefully meant to live a life of suffering.

Family should be put above all else.

All things should follow the flow of nature.

1.durable and beautiful.


The main idea behind the Daoist religion is that all things should follow the flow of nature. The correct answer is option D.

Daoism, also known as Taoism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that emerged around the 4th century BCE. It emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao, which can be understood as the natural way or path. The central concept in Daoism is that of Wu Wei, which can be translated as "non-action" or "effortless action." It suggests that one should align oneself with the natural flow of the universe and avoid unnecessary interference or exertion.

To arrive at this answer, one can use the process of elimination. Option A, "Everyone's life was guided by moral behavior," does not capture the main idea of Daoism, although moral behavior may be considered important in other religions or philosophies. Option B, "To live peacefully meant to live a life of suffering," does not accurately reflect the teachings of Daoism, as Daoism promotes living in harmony with nature rather than finding suffering. Option C, "Family should be put above all else," does not capture the main focus of Daoism, which lies in one's relationship with the natural world and the Dao itself.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D, "All things should follow the flow of nature."

Thanks Snowflake

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