1. Which of the following ordered pairs is a solution of the equation y=-4x^2? (1 point)

(-2, 16) ***My answer***
(1, -8)
(0, -4)
(2, -16)

1. D

2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
100% guarantied



Correct answers !!!!! 100%

Ay Ay Ay

is corect yoooo's

D, A, B, C, A is correct, but the teachers can change is up anytime. I am here to give you guys the word answers;

1; D: (2,-16)
2; A: X: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 || Y: 3, 1, -1, 1, 3 || (X,Y) (-2,3), (-1,1), (0, -1), (1,1) (2,3)
3; C: III
4; B: II
5; A: I

I hope this helped! ❤️I hope you all have a blessed day~❤️

Sky is correct !!!!

Nope. If x = -2, then

y = -4x^2 = (-4)(x^2) = (-4)(-2)^2 = -4*4 = -16
exponents are done first. (PEMDAS, remember)

Sky is right for connexus!!!

Thank you guys so much it really helped

yoooo D A C B A for the win!!!

Sky is CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I understand now. Thanks a lot!

What are the answers to the whole lesson?

Dacba: "a 'friend' who likes to come out when you party, often he is uninvited, but he makes sure to keep himself busy"...... w o t-

'ight, 'ere is ya' music then: Undertale - Megalovania with glass of water and a spoon

.....Also, search up "Dacba megalovania" XD

D, A, C, B, A is still correct today.

Please note that using outside resources to cheat is not encouraged. It's better to learn the material so that you can succeed in your studies in the long term.

hi bot

I came to check my answers and I only had 2 wrong thank u

@sky is 100% righhhttt

Sky is still right

1. D

2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
100%for Connexus
Credit goes to sky

tyyy for the answers 100% correct!!

Hello! How can I assist you today?

i killed death and the answers r correct

can someone explain the answers please? i dont completely understand all this