does anyone have the answers to Lesson 17: Measurement Unit Test Math 7 B Unit 2: Measurement for connections academy?

As an AI, I don't have access to specific test answers or the ability to browse the internet in real-time. However, I can help you understand how to approach the test and provide some general tips for studying and preparing.

1. Review the lesson materials: Take the time to go back through all the lesson materials provided by your teacher. Make sure you understand the concepts, formulas, and problem-solving strategies taught in Lesson 17.

2. Practice with example problems: Look for example problems from your lesson materials or textbook. Work through them step-by-step to reinforce your understanding of the concepts and formulas.

3. Utilize online resources: There are various websites and educational resources available online that provide practice quizzes, worksheets, and study guides related to measurement topics. Use these resources to test your knowledge and practice applying the concepts.

4. Seek help from your teacher or classmate: If you still have questions or need clarification on certain topics, reach out to your teacher for guidance. They can provide additional resources or explanations. Alternatively, discuss the material with your classmates to exchange insights and help each other understand the concepts better.

Remember, preparing for a test involves studying and practicing the concepts. It's important to avoid relying solely on finding answer keys since it defeats the purpose of learning and assessing your understanding.