An aeroplane flies at 720km/h in an easterly direction.A passenger walks to the back of the plane at 3m/s. Calculate 1.The velocity of the aeroplane in m/s . 2.The resultant velocity of the passenger in m/s 3. The distance the aeroplane has flown in 45 min

1. 720km/hr * 1hr/3600s * 1000m/km = 720000/3600 m/s

2. subtract 3 m/s
3. distance * speed * time (3/4 hr)


To calculate the required values, we need to convert the given velocities and times to the same units (either km/h or m/s). Let's use m/s as the unit.

1. Velocity of the airplane in m/s:
Given: Velocity of the airplane = 720 km/h
To convert km/h to m/s, we multiply by 1000/3600.
Velocity of the airplane = 720 km/h * (1000 m/km) / (3600 s/h) = (200 m/s)

2. Resultant velocity of the passenger in m/s:
Given: Velocity of the passenger = 3 m/s (relative to the airplane)
Since the airplane is flying in an easterly direction and the passenger is walking towards the back of the plane in the same direction, the resultant velocity of the passenger will be the sum of the velocities.
Resultant velocity of the passenger = Velocity of the airplane + Velocity of the passenger
Resultant velocity of the passenger = 200 m/s + 3 m/s = (203 m/s)

3. Distance the airplane has flown in 45 min:
Given: Time = 45 min
To convert minutes to seconds, we multiply by 60.
Time = 45 min * (60 s/min) = (2700 s)
Distance = Velocity * Time
Distance = 200 m/s * 2700 s = (540,000 m) or (540 km)

To solve these questions, we need to understand the concept of velocity and relate it to the given information.

1. Velocity of the airplane in m/s:
Velocity is a vector quantity that tells us both the speed and direction of an object. In this case, the airplane is traveling at 720 km/h in an easterly direction.

To convert km/h to m/s, we need to divide by 3.6 (1 km/h = 1000 m/3600 s = 1/3.6 m/s).

Therefore, the velocity of the airplane in m/s would be:
720 km/h ÷ 3.6 = 200 m/s (approximately).

2. Resultant velocity of the passenger in m/s:
The passenger's velocity is independent of the airplane's velocity. The given information states that the passenger is walking at a speed of 3 m/s towards the back of the plane.

Since the passenger is not affected by the airplane's motion, the resultant velocity of the passenger would simply be their walking speed:
3 m/s.

3. Distance flown by the airplane in 45 minutes:
To find the distance flown by the airplane, we can use the formula: Distance = Velocity × Time.

First, we need to convert 45 minutes to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 45 minutes is equal to 45/60 = 0.75 hours.

Using the airplane's velocity of 720 km/h (or 200 m/s) and the time of 0.75 hours, we can calculate the distance:
Distance = Velocity × Time
Distance = 200 m/s × 0.75 hours
Distance = 150 m/s × h

So, the distance the airplane has flown in 45 minutes is 150 m/s × h (or 150 h).