Which crops and animals introduced from Europe through the Columbian Exchange had the greatest impact on the diet and agriculture of Native Americans? Select all that apply.

To determine which crops and animals introduced from Europe through the Columbian Exchange had the greatest impact on the diet and agriculture of Native Americans, we need to examine the historical context and understand the significance of different crops and animals during that time. Here are some key crops and animals that had a significant impact:

1. Maize (corn): Maize was a staple crop in Native American agriculture before European contact. However, after the introduction of European farming practices and technologies, the cultivation and consumption of maize increased significantly, improving the diet and agricultural practices of Native Americans.

2. Wheat: Wheat cultivation was introduced by Europeans and had a substantial impact on Native American agriculture. It became an important crop in regions with suitable climate conditions, such as the Great Plains. Wheat provided a more diverse food source and improved nutritional intake for Native American tribes.

3. Horses: Horses were one of the most transformative animals introduced through the Columbian Exchange. They revolutionized Native American societies, particularly those on the Great Plains. Horses improved transportation, hunting, and warfare capabilities, leading to changes in diet and agricultural practices.

4. Cattle: Cattle, including cows and oxen, were introduced and had a significant impact on Native American agriculture. They provided a source of meat, milk, and labor for tasks such as plowing fields, thus enhancing agricultural productivity.

5. Pigs: Pigs were also introduced, and their breeding and consumption became significant in Native American agriculture. The ability to raise pigs provided a valuable source of food and additional agricultural practices for Native American communities.

In conclusion, the crops and animals that had the greatest impact on the diet and agriculture of Native Americans through the Columbian Exchange are maize (corn), wheat, horses, cattle, and pigs.

The crops and animals introduced from Europe through the Columbian Exchange that had the greatest impact on the diet and agriculture of Native Americans are:

1. Maize (corn): Maize quickly became a staple crop in Native American diets and significantly influenced their agricultural practices.

2. Potatoes: Potatoes, particularly the sweet potato, were introduced from Europe and soon became an important food source for Native Americans.

3. Wheat: Wheat became an important crop in certain areas, particularly where European settlement was concentrated.

4. Horses: Horses had a profound impact on Native American cultures, transforming transportation, hunting techniques, and warfare.

Therefore, the crops and animals that had the greatest impact on Native American diets and agriculture are maize, potatoes, and horses.