This question asks about your Independent Reading selection. You may use your reading selection to help you answer the question.

Compare and contrast your Independent Reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your Independent Reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.

You can ask the teacher if its ok to compare n contrast Charlie and the chocolate factory a play to the movie

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nobody ever:
not even trump:
ms.sue: I vote for the more recent film.

everyone turns:ಠ_ಠ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

well should i use the Original movie or the 2005 movie?

To compare and contrast your Independent Reading selection with one or two other selections, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your Independent Reading selection: Start by mentioning the title and the author of your Independent Reading selection. For example, let's say your Independent Reading selection is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," written by Roald Dahl.

2. Choose other selections from the unit: Think about one or two other books or plays you have read during this unit that you can compare and contrast with "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Make sure these selections are relevant to the question and have similarities or differences that you can analyze.

3. Gather evidence from your Independent Reading selection: Look for specific evidence or examples from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" that highlight its similarities or differences compared to the other selections. For example, you can consider plot elements, character development, themes, writing style, or the author's purpose.

4. Provide evidence to support your response: Begin by stating the similarities or differences between your Independent Reading selection and the other selection(s) you have chosen. Then, support your statements by including at least two pieces of evidence directly from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." These can be quotes or specific examples from the text that demonstrate your points.

Remember to consult your teacher or the instructions for clarification on how to approach the assignment or if comparing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with another format, such as a play and a movie, is appropriate.

no ms. Sue you can

i thank

I vote for the more recent film.