On Page 133 flourished probably means

1.Cleaned up
2.Put down
3.Wrapped up
4.Waved around* (my answer)
Sentence- Mr Madura stood up and flourished his umbrella

You are probably correct. But we cannot see "page 133".

Yes, 4.

I think you're right.

To determine the meaning of the word "flourished" in the given sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Context: Consider the sentence in which the word "flourished" is used. In this case, the sentence is "Mr Madura stood up and flourished his umbrella."

2. Break it down: Examine the sentence to determine the actions being described. In this case, Mr Madura stood up and also did something with his umbrella.

3. Personal knowledge: Rely on your own knowledge and experience. Based on what you know, does it make sense for someone to "wave around" or "put down" an umbrella when they stand up?

4. Dictionaries: If your knowledge is insufficient or you want to confirm your understanding, consult a dictionary. Look up the word "flourished" and find the definition that best fits the context of the sentence.

Based on these steps, it becomes evident that the correct meaning of "flourished" in this sentence is "waved around." Therefore, option 4, "Waved around," is the correct answer.