"from "SilkweeD"

by Philip Henry Savage"

1. which lines from the expert rhyme with each other?

2. how many syllables are in each line of the excerpt?

Here's the correct answers for all Connexus Students:

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. Part A: B; Part B: A
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. B

100% for all Connections Academy Students! I know, I took the assessment.

the first answer is c

girl not a guy is Right at this momnt 3/9/2021

Yep @girlnotboy-_- is 100% 14/14

Thanks guys it really helps

girl not a guy is right date is 3/24-2021

I just took it and got a 100%

GirlNotAGuy is right for the practice test in language arts 6B lesson 18 unit 2

U sure

number 8 is pleased

i got 86% because the answer to 8 is not A its B

plz help me

tell the truth

What excerpt?

ur no help