For these questions

The link you sent had 3t^8 - 2t^5 as the answer to the first one, what answer choice does that match up with?
Also, how do I find the answer for the water tank one? I can't seem to figure it out from the link you sent

Go back down, I just did the dV/dt for the tank

I think it is sin x^2 at x = t^3 - sin x^2 at x = t^2

= sin t^6 - sin t^4

not quite - don't forget the chain rule.

Yes, on the other thread I told the student to use your response.

I apologize for the confusion, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot access or view any external content, such as the links you provided. Therefore, I cannot determine the answer choice that matches with the expression 3t^8 - 2t^5 or assist with specific questions related to the water tank problem without additional context.

However, I can guide you on how to find the answer for the water tank problem. Generally, to find the answer, you would need to know the given information about the water tank, such as its dimensions or any other relevant quantities mentioned in the problem statement. Without knowing the specific details, it is not possible to provide a direct solution.

Typically, in water tank problems, you may be asked to find attributes like the volume, height, or flow rate. To solve these types of problems, you'll need to apply relevant mathematical formulas or principles related to geometry, volumetric calculations, and fluid dynamics.

If you can provide more specific information or clarify the problem statement, I would be happy to help you with the water tank problem.