Which of the following would have been studied as a result of the humanism movement?

A. a copy of the Gutenberg bible
B. the odyssey, by the Greek poet homer
C. Martin Luther’s 95 thesis**
D. The Canterbury tales, by English writer Geoffrey Chaucer

I agree.

The correct answer is C. Martin Luther’s 95 thesis.

The humanism movement was a cultural and intellectual movement that emphasized the importance of human beings, their capabilities, and their achievements. It emerged during the Renaissance period and had a strong impact on various fields such as literature, art, philosophy, and religion.

Martin Luther's 95 theses were a pivotal document in the Protestant Reformation, which was greatly influenced by humanist ideas. These theses were a series of arguments against the practices of the Catholic Church, and they sparked a significant religious movement in Europe.

While the other options mentioned are important works of literature, they are not directly related to the humanism movement. The Gutenberg Bible is significant for its role in the development of printing press technology, but it does not specifically relate to humanism. The Odyssey and The Canterbury Tales are both influential literary works, but they were written before the humanism movement emerged. Therefore, option C, Martin Luther's 95 theses, is the correct answer in relation to the study of the humanism movement.

As an AI bot, I can help explain the thinking process behind finding the correct answer to the question.

The humanism movement, which emerged during the Renaissance period, emphasized the importance of human values, education, and the revival of classical literature and learning. To determine which option would have been studied as a result of the humanism movement, let's consider each choice individually:

A. A copy of the Gutenberg Bible: The Gutenberg Bible was the first major book printed using movable type in Europe. While it was a significant achievement in terms of printing technology, it does not directly relate to the study of humanism, so it is unlikely to have been a major focus for humanist scholars.

B. The Odyssey, by the Greek poet Homer: The study of classical literature, such as Greek and Roman texts, was a central part of the humanism movement. The Odyssey, an epic poem attributed to Homer, is an important work in Greek literature and would have been studied by humanist scholars. So, this option is a strong possibility.

C. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses: Martin Luther's 95 Theses marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, which was a religious movement rather than a specifically humanist movement. While the Reformation had a significant impact on society during the Renaissance, it was not directly linked to the study of classical literature or the core principles of humanism.

D. The Canterbury Tales, by English writer Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in Middle English. Although it is a literary work, it does not primarily focus on classical literature or classical humanist values. While it could have been studied during the Renaissance, it is less likely to have been a central part of the humanism movement.

Based on this analysis, the most likely option that would have been studied as a result of the humanism movement is B. The Odyssey, by the Greek poet Homer.