a car travels 245km at a constant speed of 3.5hours. how far does it travel in 90 minutes

Distance varies directly with time, that is, the longer you drive the farther you go

So we can use a simple ratio.

245/3.5 = x/1.5
3.5x = 1.5(245)
solve for x

r = 245/3.5 = km/h.

t = 90min. = 1.5 h.
d = r * t =

for 245km= 3hrs 30mins.

Let x be the distance traveled within 90mins.
1hr 30mins ×245km=3hrs 30minsx

Hence solving the equation we have x to be 105km.

Therefore, the car travels a distance of 105 km in 90 minutes.

To determine how far the car travels in 90 minutes, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Given that the car travels 245 km in 3.5 hours, we can find the speed of the car by dividing the distance by the time:

Speed = Distance ÷ Time
= 245 km ÷ 3.5 hours
≈ 70 km/h

Now that we know the speed of the car is 70 km/h, we can calculate the distance traveled in 90 minutes:

Distance = Speed × Time
= 70 km/h × 1.5 hours
= 105 km

Therefore, the car travels approximately 105 km in 90 minutes.