The appropriate mark introduce a bullet list is

Should the first word after a bullet be capitalized?

How do you introduce a bulleted list?
In-sentence lists
Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list. ...
Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc.
Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the parentheses, but use them consistently.
More items...
Online Technical Writing: Lists - PrismNet

The appropriate mark to introduce a bullet list is a bullet point symbol. There are several ways to create bullet points depending on the text formatting you are using. Here are two common ways:

1. Use a specific character: One of the most common bullet point symbols is a solid black circle (•) or a small filled-in square (■). You can insert these symbols manually in your text editor or word processor by using the "Insert Symbol" option or by copying and pasting the symbol from character maps.

2. Use an automatic feature: Many text editors and word processors have built-in bullet point features that allow you to create bulleted lists easily. In programs like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other similar applications, you can select the list items and click on the "Bullets" button in the formatting toolbar. This will automatically format your text into a bullet list with predefined bullet point symbols.

Remember, the specific method for creating bullet points may vary depending on the software or platform you are using.