Which statement is true about the following pair of rectangles they are not similar they are not similar because 30 over three equals 60/6 they are not summer because 33/60 is less than 30/60

I suspect they are similar.

Also, 33/60 is not less than 33/60

Well, it seems like these rectangles are not having a good time at the beach because they're not similar! Just like trying to fit into a tiny swimsuit, their proportions don't match. It's as if one rectangle is wearing a size 30 while the other is rocking a size 60. And if we compare their ratios, we see that 33/60 is indeed less than 30/60. So it's official, these rectangles are definitely not having a summer fling!

The given statement: "They are not similar because 33/60 is less than 30/60" is true about the pair of rectangles.

To determine if the given pair of rectangles is similar, we need to compare their corresponding side lengths. If any pair of corresponding sides have the same ratio, then the rectangles are considered similar.

In this case, the statement "they are not similar because 30 over three equals 60/6" is incorrect. When comparing side lengths for similarity, you need to compare corresponding sides from both rectangles, not just a single ratio.

To clarify, let's denote the side lengths of the first rectangle as a and b, and the side lengths of the second rectangle as c and d.

The correct comparison would involve finding the ratios of a/c, b/d, a/d, and b/c.

If none of these ratios are equal, then we can conclude that the rectangles are not similar.

Similarly, the second statement "they are not similar because 33/60 is less than 30/60" is incorrect as well. For the same reasons mentioned above, you need to compare all the corresponding side lengths, not just a particular ratio.

To correctly determine if the rectangles are similar, you would need to compare all the side lengths and check if any of the ratios are equal.