How many periods are there in the periodic table

To find out how many periods are there in the periodic table, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand what a period represents: In the periodic table, periods are the horizontal rows that organize elements according to their increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom). Each period represents a new energy level or shell that electrons occupy.

2. Count the periods: The period number increases from top to bottom, starting with period 1. Thus, to determine the number of periods, you count the number of rows from the top of the periodic table until the last row.

The current periodic table has 7 periods. However, it's important to note that some versions of the periodic table may include additional periods beyond the seventh row to accommodate the synthetic elements beyond atomic number 118.

So, in summary, there are 7 periods in the current version of the periodic table, corresponding to the seven rows.

each row is a period, right?

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