"The village Blacksmith" poem.

Which syllables in line 2 are unstressed? " The village smithy stands"
A. the second, fourth, and sixth
B. the second, third, and fifth
C. the first, third, and fifth
D. the first, second, and fourth
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To identify the unstressed syllables in the line, we need to determine the syllables that have weaker emphasis compared to the others. In this particular line, "The village smithy stands," we can break it down into its individual syllables:

The / vil-lage / smith-y / stands

Now let's identify the unstressed syllables:

A. the second, fourth, and sixth
B. the second, third, and fifth
C. the first, third, and fifth
D. the first, second, and fourth

Based on this breakdown, the unstressed syllables are:

B. the second, third, and fifth

Each of these syllables is less emphasized or pronounced weaker compared to the others in the line.

To determine which syllables in "The village smithy stands" are unstressed, we need to analyze each syllable in the line. In standard English, stressed syllables are emphasized or pronounced more strongly than unstressed syllables. Here's a breakdown of each syllable in the line:

"The" - Unstressed
"vil" - Unstressed
"lage" - Stressed
"smith" - Unstressed
"y" - Unstressed
"stands" - Stressed

Based on this breakdown, we can see that the unstressed syllables in line 2 are the second, fourth, and sixth syllables.

Therefore, option A, "the second, fourth, and sixth," is correct.

The vil' lage smith' y stands'