Which options identify a place where the research publications of scientists can generally be found?

(Select all that apply)

university libraries
research institutes
public libraries
major bookstore
A,B,C ??

research institutes

university libraries

well wth is the answer

Omfg, thanks a lot ryder

The options that generally identify a place where the research publications of scientists can be found are:

A) University Libraries: University libraries are often the primary repositories of research publications. They have extensive collections of books, journals, and other resources that include research papers published by scientists.

B) Research Institutes: Research institutes, especially those associated with universities, typically maintain their own libraries or resource centers where they collect and store research publications related to their specific fields of study.

C) Public Libraries: Public libraries may also have collections of research publications, although they may be more limited compared to university libraries and research institutes. Public libraries may focus more on general knowledge and popular science publications but can still provide access to some scientific research papers.

Therefore, the correct options are A, B, and C. The major bookstore (D) is not typically a primary source for research publications, as they tend to focus more on commercially available books rather than academic research papers. However, some major bookstores may carry a selection of popular science books or textbooks that summarize scientific research.

Nevermind I figured it out!!