Which analyze effects of World War I on the internal politics of Russia?

(Select all that apply.)

a. Russia’s alliance with emerging democracies of France and Great Britain inspired it to adopt democratic reforms.
b. The war prompted opposing political factions to join in solidarity to support the war effort.
c. Communists were able to gain power through a second revolution in the political chaos of the war.
d. Russia’s poor performance in the war along with food shortages caused the czar to abdicate.
Is the answer B and D

Answers are A and C for anybody in 2019

I can confirm A and C are correct #2020

Is that the answer????

Sergio, you could also try using Brainly, there are more people answering on there and if you re-post your question on there it will pop up again so other people will see it. Not all the questions get answered but all of mine have, you do have to make an account though. Its actually a lot more fun on there to with social interaction and all that, they kind of make it like a game. I use both Brainly and here.

Frrrr why doesn't anybody answer sergio?

Yes, the answer is indeed options B and D. Here's an explanation of why:

To analyze the effects of World War I on the internal politics of Russia, we can consider the possible outcomes and circumstances that occurred during the war:

a. Russia’s alliance with emerging democracies of France and Great Britain inspired it to adopt democratic reforms.
This statement is incorrect because Russia's alliance with France and Great Britain did not directly lead to the adoption of democratic reforms. In fact, Russia was already an autocratic monarchy under the rule of Czar Nicholas II before the war.

b. The war prompted opposing political factions to join in solidarity to support the war effort.
This statement is correct. The war did lead to various political factions in Russia, including the Bolsheviks, Socialists, and Liberals, setting aside their differences and uniting to support the war effort. This temporary unity among factions was known as the "Patriotic Truce."

c. Communists were able to gain power through a second revolution in the political chaos of the war.
This statement is correct. During World War I, Russia experienced significant political and social unrest, which eventually led to the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Russian Revolution resulted in the Bolshevik Party, led by Vladimir Lenin, seizing power and establishing a communist government.

d. Russia’s poor performance in the war along with food shortages caused the czar to abdicate.
This statement is correct. Russia experienced significant military setbacks and hardships during World War I. The combination of the war's impact on the Russian economy, food shortages, and military failures contributed to widespread discontent among the Russian people. In 1917, these factors, along with growing civil unrest and protest, led to the abdication of Czar Nicholas II and the end of the Romanov dynasty.

So, the correct answers are options B and D.

Why don't you guys ever respond like dang