Earth's position in space at any point in the year determines the

A. season
B. time of day
C. annual percipitation

Help Ms. Sue please ;)

lesson 11 unit 2 social studies 20 question practice

my answer is a

ur right

are you sure

Yes, a.

To determine Earth's position in space at any point in the year, we need to understand the concept of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical path, and its tilt on its axis plays a significant role in our planet's seasons and climate.

The correct answer to the question is A. season. Earth's position in space determines the season we experience in a particular hemisphere of the planet at any given time. The tilt of Earth's axis causes variations in the amount of sunlight different parts of the Earth receive during the year. As Earth orbits the Sun, different hemispheres receive more direct sunlight, resulting in different seasons.

To explain how we can determine Earth's position in space to determine the season, we can consider the following steps:

1. Understanding Earth's orbit: Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, completing one orbit (or one year) in approximately 365.24 days.

2. Recognizing the tilt of Earth's axis: Earth's axis is tilted at about 23.5 degrees concerning its orbital plane. This tilt remains constant throughout the year.

3. Identifying the effect of Earth's tilt: The tilt of Earth's axis causes different parts of the planet to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, leading to the different seasons.

4. Visualize the seasons: As Earth orbits the Sun, the hemisphere tilted towards the Sun experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun experiences winter. The two intermediate positions, where the tilt is neither towards nor away from the Sun, results in spring and autumn.

5. Observing the impact on location: Earth's position in space at different points in the year determines the season for a specific location. For example, if Earth is positioned with the northern hemisphere tilted towards the Sun, it is summer in the northern hemisphere while the southern hemisphere experiences winter.

By understanding the Earth's orbit, tilt, and their effects on sunlight distribution, we can determine Earth's position in space at any given time and hence determine the season in a particular hemisphere.