√9+√x - √x = 5 ÷√9+√x

Just like in your previous post, your lack of proper parentheses makes your question

ambiguous. Notice that Bosnian and I gave you two different answers, each one correct.

The way you typed it:
√9+√x - √x = 5 ÷√9+√x
3 + √x - √x = 5/3 + √x
3 = 5/3 + √x
4/3 = √x
x = 16/9

however, if
(√9+√x) - √x = 5 ÷(√9+√x)
(√9+√x)^2 - √x(√9+√x) = 5 , almost identical to your last one
√9 + √x - 5 = √x(√9+√x)
follow the same steps as the previous post