The radius of a cylinder is 3.5 ft. The height is 14 ft. Find the surface area and volume of the cylinder to the nearest tenth of a foot. Show your work.

you have r and h, so use your formulas:

v = π r^2 h
a = 2πr(r+h)

To find the surface area of a cylinder, we need to calculate the sum of the areas of the two circular bases and the lateral surface area.

The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is given by:
Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh

Radius (r) = 3.5 ft
Height (h) = 14 ft

First, let's calculate the area of the circular base:
Base Area = πr²

Substituting the value of the radius (r = 3.5 ft) into the formula, we get:
Base Area = π(3.5)²

Next, let's calculate the area of the lateral surface (the curved part):
Lateral Surface Area = 2πrh

Substituting the values of the radius (r = 3.5 ft) and height (h = 14 ft) into the formula, we get:
Lateral Surface Area = 2π(3.5)(14)

Now, let's calculate the total surface area:
Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh
Surface Area = 2π(3.5)² + 2π(3.5)(14)

To find the volume of a cylinder, we use the formula:
Volume = πr²h

Substituting the values of the radius (r = 3.5 ft) and height (h = 14 ft) into the formula, we get:
Volume = π(3.5)²(14)

Now, let's substitute the values into the formulas and calculate the surface area and volume:

Base Area = π(3.5)²
Base Area ≈ 38.48 ft² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Lateral Surface Area = 2π(3.5)(14)
Lateral Surface Area ≈ 307.86 ft² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Surface Area = 2π(3.5)² + 2π(3.5)(14)
Surface Area ≈ 384.76 ft² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Volume = π(3.5)²(14)
Volume ≈ 539.13 ft³ (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the surface area of the cylinder is approximately 384.8 square feet, and the volume is approximately 539.1 cubic feet.