If a Boeing 727 can reach 820km/h , then how far can a person fly in 50 minutes?

50 minutes is 5/6 of an hour, so he can fly 5/6 * 820 km

I don't follow please explain

How do u come up with 5/6

To determine how far a person can fly in 50 minutes, we need to know the speed at which a person can travel. However, humans do not have inherent flight abilities, so we cannot fly like an airplane. Nevertheless, we can consider alternative means of transportation that allow humans to cover long distances quickly, such as by using a jetpack or traveling in a helicopter.

Assuming a person is traveling in a jetpack or helicopter and maintaining a constant speed, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

Since the speed of a person is not provided in your question, I will use an example speed of 100 km/h for demonstration purposes. You can replace it with any relevant speed you have in mind.

Distance = 100 km/h x (50/60) h

To convert 50 minutes to hours, divide by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour). This is because the speed provided is in kilometers per hour.

Distance = 100 km/h x 0.8333 h

Distance ≈ 83.33 kilometers

Therefore, a person traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/h could travel approximately 83.33 kilometers in 50 minutes.

Please note that this scenario assumes a constant speed throughout the entire journey, which may not be feasible in real-life situations.