Which of the following statements about continental Glace year movement is correct I think it say glacial kind continental glaciers can only flow downhill

What's a glace year?

What following statements?

R/boneappletea lol

To determine which statement about the movement of continental glaciers is correct, let's break down the options and find the one that accurately describes their movement.

The statement you mentioned is: "glacial kind continental glaciers can only flow downhill." This statement is not entirely correct. While it is true that glaciers primarily move downhill due to the force of gravity, continental glaciers, also known as ice sheets, have a more complex movement pattern.

Continental glaciers can flow in multiple directions, not just downhill. Their movement is influenced by various factors such as the slope of the land, the underlying topography, and the distribution of mass within the ice sheet. The ice within an ice sheet may flow outward from the center, spreading in different directions.

To summarize, the correct statement about continental glaciers is that they can flow in multiple directions, not solely downhill.