An etching shows a schoolroom with African American men, women, and children of various ages sitting and standing while a white woman stands in the foreground. Most of the men, women, and children have books in their hands.

Use the illustration to answer the question.
Which of the following conclusions about the Freedman's Bureau is best supported by the illustration?

A. It assisted only African Americans.
B. It employed only women.
C. It provided education to people of all ages.
D. Its students passed the literacy requirements for voting.

either A or C i think? im not entirely sure

pls help

To analyze the illustration, we can start by identifying the important elements depicted. The etching shows a schoolroom with African American men, women, and children of various ages sitting and standing, all of whom are holding books. In the foreground, there is a white woman standing.

From this information, we can determine that the Freedman's Bureau is likely associated with the scene depicted in the illustration. The Freedman's Bureau was an organization established after the American Civil War to assist former slaves in their transition to freedom.

Now, let's evaluate each answer choice based on the evidence provided in the illustration:

A. It assisted only African Americans: This conclusion can be reasonably supported by the fact that all the people depicted in the illustration are African American. However, we cannot definitively conclude that the Freedman's Bureau exclusively assisted African Americans based solely on the illustration.

B. It employed only women: The illustration does not provide any direct evidence of the gender of the individuals associated with the Freedman's Bureau. Therefore, we cannot conclude that it employed only women from this visual evidence.

C. It provided education to people of all ages: This conclusion is strongly supported by the fact that the illustration shows African American men, women, and children of various ages sitting and standing with books. This suggests that the Freedman's Bureau provided education to people of different age groups.

D. Its students passed the literacy requirements for voting: While the illustration shows people holding books, it does not provide any direct evidence regarding the literacy levels of the individuals or whether they have met voting requirements. Therefore, we cannot conclude that the students in the illustration passed the literacy requirements for voting.

Based on the evidence provided in the illustration, the conclusion that is best supported is:

C. It provided education to people of all ages.

Remember, when analyzing visual material, it is important to consider the context and the limitations of the evidence provided.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

what the answer thou????????

do not get it??? .-.