The committee to plant more trees has raised 40% of their goal. They want to raise 3,000. How much more money do they need to raise to meet their goal?

To find out how much more money the committee needs to raise to meet their goal, we first need to calculate 40% of the goal amount and then subtract it from the total goal amount.

Step 1: Calculate 40% of the goal amount
To calculate 40% of a number, multiply the number by 0.4 (which represents 40% as a decimal).

40% of 3,000 = 0.4 * 3,000 = 1,200

Step 2: Subtract the calculated amount from the total goal amount
To find out how much more money the committee needs to raise, subtract the calculated amount from the total goal amount.

Total goal amount - calculated amount = Amount the committee needs to raise

3,000 - 1,200 = 1,800

Answer: The committee needs to raise an additional $1,800 to meet their goal.

100 - 40 = 60

0.6 * 3,000 = $________
