what symbols do you have to put to make this statement true;[3 5] 4 [14 2] = 12

[(3 * 5) + 4] - (14 / 2)

To make the statement true, we need to find the missing symbols in the expression: [3 ___ 5] ___ 4 ___ [14 ___ 2] = 12.

Based on the context of the equation, it seems like the missing symbols indicate mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. To find the symbols that make the equation true, we need to perform the operations between the numbers.

Let's start by filling in the first missing symbol. To get a sum of 12, the only possible operation that can be used is addition. Therefore, the first missing symbol would be a plus sign (+).

[3 + 5] ___ 4 ___ [14 ___ 2] = 12

Next, let's find the second missing symbol. To find the correct operation to use, we need to consider the context of the equation and determine what operation would result in a value of 4. Looking at the numbers before and after the blank space, it seems like subtraction (-) should be the correct operation.

[3 + 5] - 4 ___ [14 ___ 2] = 12

Lastly, let's fill in the third missing symbol. To get a result of 12, the only possible operation that can be used is multiplication (*).

[3 + 5] - 4 * [14 ___ 2] = 12

Therefore, to make the statement true, we need to use the symbols: "+" (addition), "-" (subtraction), and "*" (multiplication).