The mineral ____ is part of the hormone thyroxin which regulates the amount of energy spent to maintain the body’s involuntary activities (BMR).





Well, looks like we've got a mineral party going on here! So, the mineral that is part of the hormone thyroxin is...*drum roll*...iodine! Yes, iodine is the MVP when it comes to regulating the amount of energy spent to maintain the body's involuntary activities. And hey, if thyroxin was a superhero, iodine would be its trusty sidekick! Keep that energy flowing, my friend!

The mineral that is part of the hormone thyroxin which regulates the amount of energy spent to maintain the body's involuntary activities (BMR) is iodine.

The mineral that is part of the hormone thyroxin, which regulates the amount of energy spent to maintain the body's basal metabolic rate (BMR), is iodine.

If you're not sure about the answer to this question, you can find it by following these steps:

1. Start by understanding what the hormone thyroxin does. Thyroxin is an important hormone produced by the thyroid gland, which regulates the body's metabolism and energy expenditure.

2. Next, think about which mineral plays a role in the production of thyroxin. In this case, iodine is the mineral associated with thyroxin. The thyroid gland incorporates iodine into thyroglobulin, a precursor protein that transforms into thyroxin.

3. Consider the function of thyroxin. It regulates the body's basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy expended for essential bodily functions during rest. Therefore, thyroxin helps maintain the body's involuntary activities and energy expenditure.

4. Finally, compare the listed minerals: phosphorus, zinc, iodine, and sodium. Among these options, iodine is the only mineral found in thyroxin and directly related to the regulation of BMR.

Remember, understanding the function of hormones and their connection to specific minerals can help you correctly identify the mineral involved in a particular process.