In what way do the people actually "disappear" in "The City Is So Big"?

A. They cannot be seen once they go inside the buildings.
B. They disappear behind closed elevator doors.
C. They are murdered.
D. They move to the suburbs

answers; (connexus)

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D

thanks chloe!!!

thanks chole! chloe is 100% right :)

I got 100%, thanks Chloe!

chloe is correct for 8th grade connexus

does anybody know of any other homework websites?

To determine how people actually "disappear" in the novel "The City Is So Big," we can analyze the text or gather information about the story. However, as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific books or stories. Thus, I can provide you with a general approach to finding the answer to this question.

1. Read the Book: If you have access to the book "The City Is So Big," reading it will give you firsthand knowledge about how people disappear in the story. Pay attention to specific passages or chapters that mention people disappearing and gather information from the author's description or the characters' perspectives.

2. Analyze Reviews or Summaries: If you don't have access to the book, you can search for book reviews or summaries online. Look for trusted sources that provide detailed analyses of the story. These sources often summarize the main plot points and reveal how people disappear in the book.

3. Engage in Discussion Forums: Joining literary discussion forums or social media groups focused on literature might give you insights into the disappearance element of the book. Other readers' interpretations or discussions about key plot points could help you understand how people vanish in "The City Is So Big."

Remember, discussing literature and interpreting the author's intent can be subjective. Different readers may have differing interpretations. It's always helpful to gather multiple perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of the story.



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