Can you help me identify two methods of active transport??? Help, porfavor!??!?!!?!?.

Active transport??

I move by walking, driving a car, flying, riding a train, etc.

In a cell???

Thank you soooo much!!! 🙏

Also, do you know one reason why a cell is so small??

You are welcome.

THANK YOU Sosososososoooo much! I love this website and everyone who helps!!!

Sorry, but I have one more question. Sorry, it’s kinda weird... :(

So there’s this kid in my science group who is best friends with the other girl in the group, but he won’t let me or the other kid help with the project. He said we have no right to call it our project, if we don’t do anything, but he won’t let us do ANYTHING!! :( he won’t even let us write our names on the poster. Any advice???

Yes, Talk with your teacher about this.

Ok, thank you. Sorry to bother you.