Which of the words can replace the *____* words in the sentence below?

The *forward moving object that was thrown* landed on the top of a police car.
A. promotion
B. projectile*
C. progress
D. proceed

Justify: _______________________________________.

Yes, projectile. Your reason can be its definition.

Okay, thanks Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Barry.

To determine which word can replace the phrase "forward moving object that was thrown" in the sentence, we need to analyze the context and meaning of the sentence.

In the sentence, we see that the object was thrown and landed on top of a police car. This suggests that the word we are looking for should refer to something that can be thrown and moves forward.

Let's analyze the given options:
A. Promotion: This word does not fit the context of the sentence as it does not have any association with objects being thrown or forward movement.

B. Projectile: This word is a viable option as it refers to any object that is thrown or projected forward.

C. Progress: This word does not fit the context as it does not relate to objects being thrown or movement.

D. Proceed: This word does not fit the context as it does not relate to objects being thrown or movement.

Based on the analysis, the word that can replace the phrase "forward moving object that was thrown" in the sentence is "projectile" (option B).