Which of the following was the Catholic Church's response to the development of protestantism?

A. It lauched the Reformation.

B. It removed the pope as head of the church.

C. Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation.

D. It eliminated the inquisition.

I think it's C.

Yes, C.

You are correct, the Catholic Church's response to the development of Protestantism was the Counter-Reformation. Now, let me explain how we can arrive at this answer.

To determine the Catholic Church's response to Protestantism, we need to understand the historical context and events during the time of the Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement in the 16th century that led to the emergence of Protestant branches of Christianity, challenging the authority and teachings of the Catholic Church.

Option A, "It launched the Reformation," is incorrect because it was Protestant reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin who initiated the Reformation, not the Catholic Church.

Option B, "It removed the pope as head of the church," is also incorrect. The pope continued to be the head of the Catholic Church throughout the Reformation period and up to the present day.

Option D, "It eliminated the inquisition," is also not the correct response. The inquisition, which was a tribunal established by the Catholic Church to combat heresy, continued to exist during the Reformation period.

Finally, we come to option C, "Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation." The Counter-Reformation refers to the efforts made by the Catholic Church to respond to the Protestant challenge and to address some of the internal issues within the Church. The Catholic leaders initiated a series of reforms, including the Council of Trent, which clarified and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine, addressed abuses within the Church, and sought to win back those who had converted to Protestantism.

Therefore, option C, the Catholic Church's leaders beginning the Counter-Reformation, is the correct response to the development of Protestantism.