Eight more than the product of 24 and Greg's score

Eight more than the product of 24and Greg's score

more than: +

eight more than: 8+
product: * (times)
product of 24 and Greg's score: 24g
so, 8+24g

To find eight more than the product of 24 and Greg's score, follow these steps:

1. Multiply 24 by Greg's score.
Product = 24 * Greg's score

2. Add eight to the product.
Result = Product + 8

Therefore, eight more than the product of 24 and Greg's score is given by the expression: 24 * Greg's score + 8.

To find the expression "Eight more than the product of 24 and Greg's score," you need to multiply 24 by Greg's score and then add eight to the result.

Let's say Greg's score is represented by the variable "x." Therefore, the expression can be written as:

24 * x + 8

This expression represents the product of 24 and Greg's score, with eight added to it.