If 14 out of 20 people like chocolate milk what percent of people do not like chocolate milk

What is your attempt to answer this question?

20 - 14 = 6 People do not like chocolate.

6/20 * 100% =

To find the percentage of people who do not like chocolate milk, we can subtract the percentage of people who do like chocolate milk from 100%.

First, let's calculate the percentage of people who like chocolate milk. We have 14 people out of a total of 20, so the fraction of people who like chocolate milk is 14/20.

To convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100%.

(14/20) * 100% = 70%

So, 70% of the people like chocolate milk.

To find the percentage of people who do not like chocolate milk, we subtract this percentage from 100%.

100% - 70% = 30%

Therefore, 30% of people do not like chocolate milk.