The distance between Mountain View and crown top is 6.5 inches on a map if the scale on the map is 1 inch equals 25 miles what is the actual distance between the two towns a 31.5 miles be 16.25 miles C1 162.5 miles D1 165 miles

The answer is 162.5


6.5 * 25 = ?

To find the actual distance between Mountain View and Crown Top given the scale on the map, you need to use the scale ratio.

The given scale on the map is 1 inch equals 25 miles, which means that every inch on the map represents 25 miles in reality.

The distance between the two towns on the map is 6.5 inches. To find the actual distance, we multiply this by the scale ratio:

Actual Distance = Map Distance × Scale Ratio

Actual Distance = 6.5 inches × 25 miles/inch

Now we can calculate the actual distance:

Actual Distance = 162.5 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Mountain View and Crown Top is 162.5 miles.

So, the correct answer is C1) 162.5 miles.