To control the effects of the dust bowl, the state of texas paid farmers to do which of the following? select all that apply (there are three)

->build ponds and reservoirs
->plant different crops
use more powerful tractors
->plant rows of trees to serve as wind breaks
did I do it right?



lol i did it again. actually ABD for #1. im trippin lol

rose is right I got a 100

rose is right

thank you very much

1) build ponds and reservoirs; plant different crops; plant rows of trees to serve as windbreaks {A,B,D}

2) overuse of new farming methods {D}
3) West Texas and the Panhandle {B}

[ I got it because of Rose so thanks Rose]


thank you!

You're welcome.

hey people its actually a,b,c for #1. i made a typo

Rose is 100% corecte

Thank you a phantom for writing out the answers I was able to check my answers against yours! If you use alphabet the computer mixes them up sometimes.

Ty you guys and break a leg with school! have a great day!

(Btw, Phantom is correct thanks!)

1. D,B,C

2. D