which of the following best describes the land that became Washington when it was the coast of Pangaea?

a. it was once under water.
b. it was part of a vast desert.
c. it was mountainous.
d. it was covered in forests.***

So did you guys figure it out? I really need help on this, the textbook has nothing on it!

Please help! this is the only question I'm having trouble with because my textbook say nothing...

I disagree.


It was a vast desert


Its is B a vast desert

To determine the best description of the land that became Washington when it was the coast of Pangaea, we need to understand the geological characteristics of that time period. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed around 335-175 million years ago.

One way to find the answer is to look at geological records or studies on the region's paleoenvironment during the time of Pangaea. This can be done by researching scientific articles, books, or geological surveys that focus on the geological history of the Pacific Northwest region.

Alternatively, we can use deductive reasoning and general knowledge about the geological processes of that time. Since the region in question, which is now Washington, was located along the coast of Pangaea, it is reasonable to infer that it had access to water. Therefore, the option "a. it was once underwater" is likely accurate.

However, please note that while the option "d. it was covered in forests" may be a possible description given the geographical location and climate of present-day Washington, it is not directly linked to its paleoenvironment during the time of Pangaea.

In order to provide a more precise answer, thorough research on the topic is needed.