Simplify the expression.

5x + 6(x – 2) – 8(x – 3)

5x + 6(x – 2) – 8(x – 3)

5x + 6x -8x = 3x

- 12 + 24 = 12

3x + 12

can you explain how you did that?

ms sue is not alive anymore

Alright, let's simplify this expression!

First, let's distribute the numbers inside the parentheses. We start with the second term 6(x - 2):

6(x - 2) = 6 * x - 6 * 2 = 6x - 12

Now, let's do the same for the third term -8(x - 3):

-8(x - 3) = -8 * x + 8 * 3 = -8x + 24

Now, let's put it all together:

5x + 6(x - 2) - 8(x - 3) = 5x + 6x - 12 - 8x + 24

Now, let's combine the like terms:

(5x + 6x - 8x) - 12 + 24 = 3x + 12

So, the simplified expression is 3x + 12.

To simplify the expression 5x + 6(x – 2) – 8(x – 3), you need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Let's start by distributing the 6 and the -8:

6(x – 2) = 6*x – 6*2 = 6x – 12

-8(x – 3) = -8*x + 8*3 = -8x + 24

Now, you can simplify the expression by combining like terms:

5x + 6x – 12 – 8x + 24

Combine the x-terms:

5x + 6x – 8x = (5 + 6 – 8)x = 3x

Combine the constant terms:

-12 + 24 = 12

Finally, the simplified expression is:

3x + 12