Write Y=-3/4-6 in standard form using integers.

A. -3x+4y=-24
B. 3x+4y=24
C. 3x+4y=-24
D. 3x+4y=-6

If your expression mean:

y = - 3 / 4 x - 6


Multiply both sides by 4

4 y = - 3 x - 24

Add 3 x to both sides

4 y + 3 x = - 3 x - 24 + 3 x

3 x + 4 y = - 24

To rewrite the equation Y = -3/4 - 6 in standard form using integers, we need to multiply both sides of the equation by the denominators to eliminate the fractions. In this case, the denominator is 4. So, let's multiply everything by 4:

4 * Y = 4 * (-3/4 - 6)

After simplifying:

4Y = -3 - 24

Next, combine like terms:

4Y = -27

Finally, to have the coefficients be integers, we can multiply the whole equation by -1:

-1 * (4Y) = -1 * (-27)

Which gives:

-4Y = 27

So, the equation in standard form using integers is -4Y = 27.

Looking at the given answer choices, the correct option is:

C. 3x + 4y = -27