Can you check this please

Our job, it emerges from fragments throughout the day, is to keep ladies’ wear “shoppable.” Sure, we help customers (who are increasingly called “guests” here as well), if they want any help. At first I go around practicing the “aggressive hospitality” demanded by our training videos . . . .

The use of the quotation marks around the words above

I. suggests that the author wants the reader to know that those are not her
words because she wants to appear honest and exact in her accounts.
II. suggests that the author is using the preferred jargon of her employer but
that she does not think the words hold much meaning.
III. suggests that the author took copious notes during her research and she
wants to illustrate that fact in her writing.

I only
II only<<<<<<<<My answer
III only
I and II
I, II , and III

I agree -- B.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the given text and the purpose of using quotation marks.

In this case, the author uses quotation marks around the words "aggressive hospitality" and "guests". The use of quotation marks typically implies that the words are being used in a special or non-standard way.

Looking at the given options:

Option I suggests that the author wants the reader to know that those are not her words because she wants to appear honest and exact in her accounts. However, there is no indication in the text that the author is distancing herself from these words.

Option III suggests that the author took copious notes during her research and wants to illustrate that fact in her writing. However, there is no evidence to support this assumption in the given text.

Option II suggests that the author is using the preferred jargon of her employer but does not think the words hold much meaning. This aligns with the use of quotation marks to indicate a specific jargon or terminology, without necessarily endorsing or believing in it.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. II only.