cn= 12n - 11

A: 49,37,25,13,1
B: -1,-13,-25,-37,-49
C: 1,13,25,37,49
D: -49,-37,-25,-13,-1

I literally have no idea what my answer is because im no good at this so please help me!

12*1 - 11 = 1

12*2 - 11 = 24 - 11 = 13

12*3 - 11 = ?

Thank you so much!!


To find the value of "n" in the given equation, we can substitute the options provided and check which one satisfies the equation.

Let's substitute the first option, A: 49,37,25,13,1 into the equation cn = 12n - 11:

When n = 49,
c(49) = 12(49) - 11
c(49) = 588 - 11
c(49) = 577

This value does not match the first option.

Now let's try B: -1,-13,-25,-37,-49:

When n = -1,
c(-1) = 12(-1) - 11
c(-1) = -12 - 11
c(-1) = -23

This value does not match the second option.

Next, let's try C: 1,13,25,37,49:

When n = 1,
c(1) = 12(1) - 11
c(1) = 12 - 11
c(1) = 1

This value matches the third option.

Lastly, let's try D: -49,-37,-25,-13,-1:

When n = -49,
c(-49) = 12(-49) - 11
c(-49) = -588 - 11
c(-49) = -599

This value does not match the fourth option.

Therefore, the option that satisfies the given equation is option C: 1, 13, 25, 37, 49.